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Zuckerberg announces pursuit of AGI

What's been on my mind all week? Zuckerberg announces Meta's AI intentions: the pursuit of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

πŸ”€ A quick primer on the difference between #AI and #AGI -- think of AI as the atomic age compared to the previous electric age of computing/the Internet/IoT. AGI surpasses AI in all aspects, mirroring a human mind and being able to solve problems it was not originally designed to solve. In theory, this leads to exponential recursive self-improvement.

πŸ—¨ β€œOur long-term vision is to build general intelligence, open source it responsibly, and make it widely available so everyone can benefit. [...] It’s become clear that the next generation of services required is building full general intelligence, building the best AI assistants, AIs for creators, AIs for businesses and more that needs advances in every area of AI from reasoning to planning to coding to memory and other cognitive abilities.”

🌠 I am ever an optimist; I believe there is truly great potential in invention and discovery, and glory in the journey. I believe there is also great potential in open source communities and movements.

🀼 But I am deeply conflicted about Meta's consumerist approach to AI. It is difficult to trust one of the companies (arguably The company) at the forefront of unrestrained deployment of social media over the last couple decades.

πŸ”„ We're seeing the results of that: attention fracking driving social isolation and division, mental health crises, election tampering around the world. It is more than a little concerning that the same people in power are pushing for equally unrestrained development of the most powerful tools in history.


❔ What to do? I guess hit post on these kinds of thoughts. Talk to your neighbors (physical and/or digital) about it. Try to bridge and heal divides and concerns through discussion. Tag policymakers. Tag Zuck.

HT AlphaSignal

Matt Lepleyai, agiComment